FGD with PT Pupuk Indonesia


Bureau Veritas Indonesia Facilitates Project Management FGD for Pupuk Indonesia Group

Jul. 15 2024

Bandung, Indonesia – 26-27 February 2024: Bureau Veritas Indonesia successfully facilitated a pivotal Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for the Pupuk Indonesia Group. Held at the Auditorium Kamojang, El Hotel in Bandung, the event was a shining example of the collaborative spirit of the Pupuk Indonesia Group. It united vital figures from various subsidiaries within the group to address critical project management and engineering topics. This significant gathering aimed to enhance collaboration and share insights on improving project outcomes, instilling a sense of pride and accomplishment among the participants.

The FGD included participants from the Engineering Departments (Departemen Rancang Bangun) of several Pupuk Indonesia subsidiaries—representatives from PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM), PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya Palembang (PSP), PT. Pupuk Kujang (PKC), PT. Petrokimia Gresik (PKG), and PT. Pupuk Kaltim (PKT) attended the session. Senior management and vice presidents also participated, highlighting the importance of the discussion. Notable attendees included Sigit Abdurrakhman, VP of Production Planning & Control, PT. Pupuk Indonesia; Irwansyah, VP of Engineering, PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM); Tu Bagus Dewanto, VP of Engineering & Design, PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya Palembang (PSP); Danang Siswantoro, VP of Engineering, PT. Pupuk Kujang (PKC); Damasus I. Widarjono, VP of Engineering, PT. Petrokimia Gresik (PKG); and Hendra Pribia, VP of Engineering, PT. Pupuk Kaltim (PKT). In total, 40 people attended the session in person.

The event's success resulted from the invaluable contributions of representatives from Bureau Veritas Indonesia, namely Bronsen Wijaya, Harry Mosman, and Pangngo Lyana. We greatly appreciated their insightful guidance throughout the discussion. PT Pupuk Kujang also played a pivotal role in facilitating the session and ensuring a smooth and productive debate. Their efforts were instrumental in the event's success, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to them.

The FGD placed a significant emphasis on the role of Project Management Consultant (PMC) services and the pressing challenges faced by Pupuk Indonesia in managing development projects. As Pupuk Indonesia Group continues to expand its footprint in the fertiliser and petrochemical sectors, the urgent need for skilled human resources in project management, engineering, procurement, and construction has become increasingly evident. The participants delved into the challenges of managing numerous development projects alongside the routine tasks at existing operational plants. This dual responsibility often leads to suboptimal oversight of new projects, resulting in delays, non-compliance with specifications, and frequent change orders, underscoring the criticality of the issue.

The FGD concluded with a consensus on involving third-party expertise through PMCs to bridge these gaps and ensure project success. Bureau Veritas Indonesia’s presentation underscored the critical role that PMCs can play in driving project success by providing the right expertise at the right time. This approach aims to alleviate the burden on current staff and enhance overall project outcomes.

Danang Siswantoro, VP of Engineering, PT. Pupuk Kujang (PKC) shared his positive feedback: "The presentation by Bureau Veritas Indonesia during the FGD opened our eyes to the need for a PMC in our projects. A project handled by the right person can lead to success for all parties involved. We look forward to more sessions from BV Indonesia to gain deeper insights into project management. Pupuk Indonesia Group is thankful and hopes to collaborate on future projects."

Bureau Veritas Indonesia remains committed to supporting Pupuk Indonesia Group's ongoing and future projects. By providing professional project management and engineering services, Bureau Veritas aims to ensure that Pupuk Indonesia achieves optimal results and continues to drive innovation and excellence in the fertiliser and petrochemical industries.

For more information, please get in touch with Bureau Veritas Indonesia.

Contact Information:

Bureau Veritas Indonesia
Email: contact.indonesia@bureauveritas.com
Phone: +62 21 522 7530
Website: www.bureauveritas.id